
Non-governmental Organisation

Evrobalkani has provided advisory services for the development and implementatiom of the following projects:

Evrobalkani is currently implementing, together with partner organizations from Latvia, Sweden, and Italy, the APSES project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. The aim of the project is to provide a customized non-formal educational support for adults to acquire problem-solving skills for living and working in a changing world as well as better equip educators, mentors, and trainers with informal classroom teaching methods for such skills. 

Information about project

The aim of the project APSES – provide a customized non-formal educational support for adults to promote getting competencies for living and working in changing world with main focus on problem-solving skills as well as to prepare educators/ mentors/ trainers to be able to provide the support.

Expected general and main outcome is developed and piloted unique, systematic, well thought-out and easy adaptable adult training curriculum to promote problem-solving skills for individuals to improve personal resilience which helps to adults increase self-dependency and develop skills and competences which are necessary for adult people in management and planning their life, education and career.

Main activities of the project:

·       To identify strategies/ methodologies and best practices in each partner country, to promote problem solving skills for individuals to improve personal resilience.

·       Creation of a training curriculum to promote problem-solving skills using the best strategies and based on best practices in partner countries.

·       Select and train at least the three mentors to be able to train new trainers in own country.

·       Organize short-time transnational training to prepare mentors (at least the three people from each country).

·       Organize training in each partner country and prepare trainers to be able to promote adults problem-solving skills as well as implement in practice during the project developed curriculum.

·       Organize three transnational meetings of the project partners to share the good practices and tools to prepare the methodology / training curriculum.

·       Project results dissemination and communication with other stakeholders, etc.

Erasmus+ funding: EUR 56 236,00

Duration: September, 2017 – May, 2019

Project partners:



A. Projects at the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

  • Operational Programme Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy 2007-2013


  • Phare Programme, BG2004/016-711.11.04/ESC/G/CGS Consultancy Grant Scheme for Small and Medium Enterprises;


  • Phare Programme, BG2004/016-711.11.04/SC/G/PPP, Grant Assistance for Fostering Public-Private Partnerships;


  • BG2004/ESC/G/GSC-1, Grant assistance “Competitiveness – 1”;


  • BG2004/ESC/G/GSC-2, Grant assistance “Competitiveness – 2”;

B. Projects at the Bulgarian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

  • Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013;
  • Project “Gender Equality – Policy on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women”;
  • Project BG2003/004-937.05.03 –Professional Qualification;
  • Project BG2003/004-937.11.01 – Alternative employment;
  • Project BG2004/016-711.11.01 Human Resources Development and Job Creation;
  • Project BG 2005/017-353.01.02 De-institutionalisation by Provision of Services to Risk Groups;
  • Project Jobs Opportunities through Business Support (JOBS);
  • Project Career Start – Employment of Young People with University  Education in the Public Administration;
  • Project BG 0202.01 – Encouraging Youth Employment;
  • Project BG 0202.03 – Life-long Learning and Professional Education.


C. Projects at the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works

  • Operational Programme Regional Development 2007-2013
  • Projects for cross-border cooperation of Bulgarian border municipalities with municipalities in neighbouring countries – Greece, Turkey, Romania, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro.

D. Projects under the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013

  • Measure 321 „Basic Services for the Economy and Population in Rural Areas”
  • Measure 313 „Encouragement of Tourism Activities”
  • Measure 312 „Support of the Creation and Development of Micro-Enterprises”

E. Others


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